What We Learn From people?

What We Learn From People?

Our life is full of adventures as we see.....

 "A lifelong learner is a lifelong winner"

'Human life' is best gift from that universal god who creates this beautiful and wonderful nature. No one can predict the power of cosmic and their magic. Whenever we try to understand the nature we can use the some parameters ,this can relate to the introduce and understand the human.
As We are surrounded by a systematic ordered society which consists of different people with different thoughts and their thought process . 
To live in all such conditions we need to understand the perspective of individual. Sometimes we need to adjust to surrounding as per the law of nature that is law of adjustment. 
Just think "Why god created each individual with some different qualities or can they adapt it?". We all are same by our common set of emotions and self-awareness, abstract thinking, knowing right from wrong .
 But can a two person react same on same situation? May be yes or May not yes, because we have same emotions but we have different level of emotions. 

Human has different level of emotions 

 ♦ Happiness:

                    The most wanted feeling in the world .Every living being has one aim in life is to be happy in life .Every person is working hard ,running here and there just for one reason 
Happy Life.
"A Happy Soul Is The Best Shield For A Cruel World"

So As we say that Every Problem has Only one Solution that is our smiling face with peaceful mind. So why we are facing every situation with sad face, this is due to our thought process towards that situation .
if we can see that situation as another opportunity to develop yourself ,to find your hidden skills.
"Happiness is the state of mind. Its just according to the way you look at things"
as you look towards the thing our emotions depends only on that .
If you think that your happiness is depend on the other person near of you or the surrounding but let me tell you, your is soul is absolutely in control of you .We just need to push ourself to understand this. 

Let me tell You Basic rules of Happiness:
                Firstly We doesn't care about the environment or the surrounding to us . In the world of happiness we just in ninth of cloud . Every situation is feel like we can do this ,no matter how but there is assurance of completion.

             The journey from sad to happiness is just like the night shifted to Morning day. This day may come with new opportunities and new challenges . with this spirit and energy we can take steps towards success. and this is real happiness.


       In the Hundred steps of journey, we have to face all the seasons of life. 
Every spring brigs happiness to us, as well  in the harsh summer we have to face the sadness of sun.
The feelings of mind are totally depends on our surroundings, behavior and the goals.

But believe ourself through the minute point of life, and move towards the light of life.
Every living organisms is going through such difficult phases of life and each one has their own way to tackle it.
Our emotions are controlled by generation of hormones in our body, but the generation of that sad hormones depends on self.
Sad is nothing but the darkness part of our happy life and if you want to live in happy part then you must choose the happy part and learn from the dark part.
In every problem of life, we learnt so many things that might even possible by happy part, so we always says that "Problems are the biggest opportunity to learn".

  ♦ Anger:


Anger is never without an argument, but seldom with a good one


When any action is performed by us then and then only its reaction is occurs. so be reasonable to each and every actions. 
In the transition of moon there is always hidden part from our eyes behind our ability.
Nowadays, we have hectic schedule and each one is very busy with their own problems and that might be even worsen the case for change in psychology of mind.
Anger is part of our feelings, that causes due to lot of reasons and circumstances.
but to live in peaceful and healthy environment we have to control on our anger, because this anger may be destroy the 10 years of relationship in two minutes.
With the reasonable anger we can work but within the specific limit.
and we all should know the our limit for anger.

 ♦ Ego:
              The egoist loves himself without rivals.”

Sometimes holding the unnecessary grudges against someone holds in deep sea of hate.
In the Journey of life we should understand and implement the "Let It Go" instead of "Ego"
To keep our head up, we slip down on floor. So don't hold any anger or ego in mind because
that only hurt our own.
Sometimes it is necessary to show Egoistic personality to handle the issues ,but that is not perfect action or solution .We need rigid personality with sense of Truth.
Ego may break the long-time relationship also causes disturbance in life.

To understand the person we just need to pip into eyes because it is mirror of mind.
Lets bring happiness and enthusiasm to everyone's life.



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